Rotary Club of Thane Skyline - Rotary India


Total Services 53
State Transport Bus Drivers & Conductors Training

A program was organized for ST bus drivers and Conductors to do the. . .

Celebrating Shivaji Jayanti -A district project

Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti was celebrated on 19th Feb , by Rotary club. . .

Mobile Addiction & VAPE awareness

Had wonderful sessions with students of Class 8 &9 and later for cl. . .

Mindful Driving

Had an educative session for students of 8-9 standard of Sri Ma Bal. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

An event for youngsters and their parents was organized by Rotary C. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

Conducted awareness session for class 8 & 9 Students of Saraswati V. . .

Participation in Republic Day event of Anmol Vidya

Our club participated in flag unfurling and cultural event performe. . .

Mindful Driving - Road safety initiatve

Our Club organized an awareness session for Student Teachers of B.E. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

Session on managing mobile addiction was take for students of Guru . . .

Inauguratio of Pre-Nursery section of Anmol School

Our club helped in renovating and providing soft carpeting of the n. . .

Session on Drug Addiction

Thane Skyline club partnered with Hiranandani Ivan and Thane Uptown. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

Our club joined hands with two other clubs Rotary Club of Thane Upt. . .

Drug Addiction

Had a session on Drug addiction & Mobile addiction for students of . . .

Drug Addiction

A session was taken for college students on the ill effects of Drug. . .

Mobile Addiction management 2

Session for college students of Dhyan Sadhana College of Science & . . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

A session was organized for school children at S ST Deokar English . . .

Felicitation of Outstanding students

Our club was the major sponsor of cash prizes and trophy award to t. . .

Patrakar Diwas event

Our club participated in District event of Patrakar Diwas as Gold s. . .

Constitution Talk

Our club participated in Constitution Talk as part of Samividhan Ka. . .

Anandan project and distribution of rotis

our Club participated in Roti Seva as part of distribution of Rotis. . .

Thalassemia talk at Dyan Ganga College & screening

Our club was co-host in the awareness talk by Dr Lucky Kasat and Th. . .

Inter school sports at Anmol Vidya Mandir

Our club participated in interschool kabbadi and Kho kho competitio. . .

Training on CPR & COLS

Our club joined hands with 6 other clubs to organize the COLS & CPR. . .

Thalassemia awareness talk and testing

Our club joined hands with 5 more clubs to host an awareness talk i. . .

Celebrating Polio Day in India

Our club visited a nearby Primary Health Center at Vartak Nagar and. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

An extremely educative session was held for students and teachers o. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

An educative session was organized for students of BCom second year. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

A session for students of 8th standard was taken at Shivay English . . .

Good Touch Bad Touch

Our club organized an educative session on good touch and bad touch. . .

Good Touch Bad Touch

A session was taken by Rtn. Dr Supriya Lad Chincholkar for students. . .

Mindful Driving

A session on Mindful Driving was taken for club members of Rotary C. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

Educative session was held for students of Brahaman Society School . . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

A session on managing mobile addiction was held for students of VPM. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction for Junior college

A session was held for junior college students of Srirang Vidyalaya. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction for Thane Club

A talk was organized for the members of Thane main Club in Thane to. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

Our Club organized an educative session for students of B S Bane In. . .

White Cane distribution at Nashik

Our club had sent 100 canes to Nashik for the benefit of visually c. . .

Study App distribution

Today our club distributed Study App to 80 students of Zion English. . .

Mindful driving

Had a very useful session of mindful driving for the members of Rot. . .

Distribution ofWhite Canes to Visually Challenged

On the occasion of Helen Keller Day on 15th October, Our club organ. . .

Study App distribution

Students of Anmol Vidya Mandir were given coupons of Students app f. . .

Mobile Addiction management

Very young students of A M Naik School Powai, of standard 6,7, & 8t. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

Had a very impactful session on Managing Mobile Addiction for B Ed . . .

Mindful Driving sessionfor Parents

A very powerful session was held for parents of students at Pawar P. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

A training session was organized for the School teachers of DAV sch. . .

Study App distribution to students

Study App coupons were distributed to 10th class students of Ever s. . .

Managing Mobile Addiction

Delivered a session on Managing Mobile Addiction at Rotary Club of . . .

Vrukshaaropan -Tree Plantation drive

Our club worked closely with 76 families of the village PadvalPada . . .

Study App distribution to school children

Our club Rotary Club of Thane Skyline has taken an ambitious projec. . .

Dangers of Mobile Addiction & Mindful driving

Multiple sessions were taken for students & Teachers of Rachana Sch. . .

School Fees for Children of Visually Challenged

Our club has been working closely for the needs of the visually cha. . .

Mindful Driving - keeping safe

Two educative sessions were organized for students of Indala Group . . .

Eye checkup camp for Students

rotary club of Thane Skyline organized an eye checkup camp for stud. . .

Mindful driving & saving precious Lives

An educative workshop was organized for students of Saraswati Vidya. . .

Dangers of Mobile Addiction and how to manage it

An educative session was held for students of 8th,9th & 10th standa. . .

Dangers of Mobile Addiction and How to Manage it

A very interactive session was organized for students of 8th & 9th . . .

Flag Hoisting to Celebrate Independence Day

Our Club actively and enthusiastically participated in Flag hoistin. . .

Menstural Myths & Hygeine

A session was organized for standard 8th & 9th girl students at Anm. . .

Session on "Mobile Addiction and how to manage it

Our Club was invited to take a session on "Mobile Phone Addiction i. . .

" Mindful Driving " - The Science of Safety sessio

A very interactive workshop was conducted for Teachers and Admin st. . .

Junk The Junk food

An informative talk was arranged for Indian Air force ( IAF) person. . .

Ni Akshay Mitra Project

Project to offer food to families of TB patients for 3 months and m. . .

Blood Donation Drive

Our Club Rotary Club of Thane Skyline participated in Blood Donatio. . .

"Basic precautions in use of Social Media & AI"

A speaker session was organized along with other Rotary Clubs plus . . .

MIndful Driving & Road Behavior to Save Lives

An educative session as taken for members and family members of Rot. . .

Annadaan as part of Annapurna Project

Thane Skyline club participated as a co-host club to provide 3 meal. . .