Rotary Club of Thane Skyline - Rotary India

About Us

Only a few get the rare privilege and good fortune of active association with a Rotary club formation and leading it in its formative first year. I was lucky to be one of them. Only a few get the rare privilege and formation and leading it in its formative first year

Lucky, because I was completely new to Rotary as much as Rotary was to me. The block building experience was both exciting & challenging. Following are a few highlights of that experience & the wonderful journey. 02nd June 2009 is a red letter day in the annals of our club. That’s the glorious day, our club got its charter as an active member of the Rotary International. We started off with 28 charter members. Chartering was preceded by three months of intense ground work to identify potential members. The area survey in & around Hiranandani Meadows yielded close to 100 prospects. An orientation meeting over breakfast was held for them with a video presentation by senior Rotarians from the District. The list trickled down to 75 interested & later to 28 committed to join. RC of Hiranandani Estate was gracious enough to sponsor our club, as required by Rotary rules. That meant guidance & hand holding to start the club. Gracious, because the also provided the young club with a sizeable "seed money" to see through the first year. If running a club is difficult, starting it & holding it together was as uphill task.

For, we were, to start with, 28 total strangers from different walks of life trying to find common grounds & a major purpose. But, I must admit, we did an admirable job as many of the chartered members still continue as active members. Projects we did, big and small. Literacy, through scholarship for poor students of Anmol Vidhya Mandir was our first and flagship project. We made an impactful change in the lives of those children, for whom the other option was to drop out of school. Our young club is a storehouse of some unique & outstanding characteristics. Membership is most cosmopolitan, with not a single ethnic or linguistic dominant group. Members are relatively young & energetic, unlike many clubs with older members. Our close fellowship is the envy of many a club. Lady members constitute 25% of our membership, such above the All India & world average.


We are a 100% PHF club, & were EREY club for many consecutive years. Few of our members are multiple PHF donors. Our senior members adorn the District leadership teams every year. Our organizing expertise helped us to hold some of the District level events & seminars on our own. RCTS is now reckoned as an effective & robust club. All this doesn’t mean, we didn’t have our share of challenges. With foresight resilience & unity, we have surmounted them all. With every year, we grow stronger & cohesive. I am an optimist & firmly believe we have not fully redeemed our full potential. We are capable of much more. That should inspire us to work harder, with greater determination, & purpose. For us, the skyline is the limit.


